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Knowledge. Transparency.Adaptability.

House of Wealth offers high-quality services thanks to the content developed by our professionals. Our flexible and agile approach allows us to adapt to different situations by emphasising the personalisation of the service.

Transparency is the fundamental value on which our company rests and it is our primary objective to make this concept visible, tangible and concrete for our clients.

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What we do

From an individual or collective asset management perspective to financial research and insurance brokerage, we are committed to building a solid and prosperous future in cooperation with our clients.
Wealth Management

A portfolio is not just a collection of investments but represents the heritage and personal history of a family. For this reason, the human factor is of paramount importance in managing our clients' assets.

Our approach focuses on in-depth discussions with the client in which profile, financial knowledge, experience, and objectives are discussed. Only by fully understanding the needs, objectives and personal history can a bespoke investment strategy be defined. Like well fitted suit, the investment strategy proposed by our team is perfectly tailored to the needs and expectations of its owner.

Asset Management

Supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA since 2022, the Company manages a range of UCITS funds, focusing on equity, mixed and thematic strategies. Each of these investment solutions is an expression of the skills and experience of our management team.

In addition to managing diverse investment strategies, we build vehicles dedicated to individual needs of our clients.

Financial Research

Over the years, the investment team has built strong relationships with more than 500 listed companies in 20 countries, enabling House of Wealth to offer an independent and in-depth analysis service, and to analyze niche companies not covered by larger market players.

Through one-to-one meetings with the top management of these companies, House of Wealth builds objective financial models free of conflicts of interest.

Insurance brokerage

We offer an all-round insurance advisory service to help customers choose the most suitable cover for their needs, optimize their portfolio and manage their administration.

This is made possible by our collaboration with the best insurance companies on the market, allowing us to offer a wide range of products and a dedicated after-sales service.

Without professionalism I would be an amateur, and the customers I want do not hire amateurs

— Unknown

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