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Legal Terms of Use

Please read the following Legal Terms of Use carefully.


Accessing the site (hereinafter also referred to as "Site") in general, and with particular reference to the pages dedicated to the wealth management activity carried out by House of Wealth SA (hereinafter also referred to as "HoW"), the user expressly declares that they have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions and legal notices regarding the Site, all its pages, and the material contained therein. In case the users do not accept or understand the following conditions, they should refrain from accessing the Site and its pages.

Viewing this Site does not create a commitment or relationship between the user and HoW.

HoW reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify, add or remove this legal information. Therefore, it is recommended that the users read the legal information each time they access the Site to verify and accept any added terms. The users acknowledge that access to the Site after the publication of the changes implies the acceptance of the added terms. Use of this Site can be monitored, tracked, and recorded. Anyone using this Site expressly consents to such monitoring, tracking, and recording.

Restricted Access - Geographical Restrictions

The Site is intended exclusively for natural and legal persons, as well as partnerships and collective entities, with their domicile or registered office in Switzerland. The Site, as a whole and in all its components, is not intended for legal or natural persons, as well as partnerships and collective entities, belonging to jurisdictions in which, by virtue of their nationality, type of person, domicile or residence, the registered office or for any other reason, access to the Site, consultation thereof, availability, publication, nor should the submission of financial services or the marketing of certain financial products be prohibited (by applicable law/regulatory provisions) or restricted (e.g. such distribution is prohibited without the necessary licenses or authorizations and such licenses or authorizations have not been obtained from How). The use of the Italian language is because HoW is a Swiss company, operating in the Canton of Ticino, where the Italian language is one of the official languages. The use of the Italian language cannot be interpreted as a sign of connection with the Italian Republic, nor as a sign that the activities of the aforementioned companies are directed at Italy.

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The information, opinions, data and any documents published on the Site are for information purposes only and do not in any way constitute an opinion (legal, fiscal or otherwise), a recommendation, an offer or solicitation to buy or sell, an application for, or subscription to securities or financial instruments, financial or investment products or services, let alone an invitation to enter into transactions.

The information and opinions published on the Site should not be construed as investment advice or any other type of legal, tax, financial or other advice.

No declaration - Warranty

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained therein, HoW does not warrant in any way (either expressly or implicitly) that the information and opinions published on the Site are correct, accurate, reliable, complete, truthful and up-to-date; all the more so because they can be changed at any time without notice.

HoW is in no way obliged to update outdated information or opinions, remove them from the Site or mark them accordingly. The information and opinions contained on the Site are subject to change at any time without notice.

HoW also assumes no responsibility and does not provide any warranty on the functionality of its Site and does not guarantee that the Site will not be interrupted, free of viruses or other harmful components.

The information on this Site does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation, tax situation or needs of any investor and is not intended to provide any investment, legal, accounting, or tax advice and does not constitute a statement that any investment or financial service is suitable or appropriate for individual circumstances, nor does it constitute a personal recommendation for any specific investor, and should not be considered as such.

Information on investment risks

Investing in financial products involves risks, including those associated with market fluctuations as well as the inherent risk of each type of product.

Investments may also be affected by changes in the regulations governing foreign exchange controls or taxation, including withholding taxes, or by changes in economic and monetary policies.

We would like to emphasize that the past performance of an investment instrument does not necessarily indicate its future performance. Financial products are exposed to various risks, depending on their complexity, structure, and investment policies. The possible investment in securities should be independently assessed based on the prospectus of the financial instrument and the compliance of the financial instrument with the specific characteristics of each investor. HoW does not provide any guarantee of success and does not provide any guarantee for (i) the increase or maintenance of the value of the investment instruments and (ii) the amount of future distributions. 
Before any investment decision, HoW invites the users to consult their trusted advisor.

No liability

In no event, including negligence, HoW, its employees, directors, officers and shareholders shall be held liable for any damages whatsoever (including consequential damages) arising directly or indirectly from access and/or use of the Site or from the inability to access or use the material contained therein, the performance and content thereof and linking to and from other third-party websites.

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Data security during transfer

When transferring data over the Internet, there is a possibility that third parties may access the data. HoW is not responsible for the security of the data during its transfer via the Internet and disclaims any responsibility for the disclosure of information due to transmission errors or unauthorized access by third parties.

Links to other websites

The Site may contain links to third-party websites, services and other Internet resources that are provided for your convenience and for information purposes. HoW has no control over the content or policies of such websites and is not responsible for the content, security and usability of such sites and resources, nor endorses or promotes the content, products or services offered on such sites. Use of third-party websites is at your own risk. HoW recommends that users always check the disclaimers and privacy policies of the websites they visit to ensure they understand the terms of use that govern those websites.

Information on personal data/cookies

Please refer to the Privacy Notice and Cookie Policy. of HoW.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The legal relationship between the user and HoW regarding the use of the Site (and related resources) is governed by Swiss substantive law, excluding the rules of private international law. The parties shall choose the Court of Lugano (TI) as the exclusive competent court for all disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of the Site. HoW, in any event, reserves the right to bring an action before the competent court at the registered office, branch, or domicile of the user.

Nome Cognome Job description

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Nome Cognome Job description
Nome Cognome Job description

Qui verrà inserita la bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut tellus felis.

Nome Cognome Job description
Nome Cognome Job description

Qui verrà inserita la bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut tellus felis.

Nome Cognome Job description
Nome Cognome Job description

Qui verrà inserita la bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut tellus felis.

Nome Cognome Job description
Nome Cognome Job description

Qui verrà inserita la bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut tellus felis.

Nome Cognome Job description
Nome Cognome Job description

Qui verrà inserita la bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut tellus felis.

Nome Cognome Job description
Nome Cognome Job description

Qui verrà inserita la bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut tellus felis.

Nome Cognome Job description